I launched my first online coaching program in the Spring of 2020. At the time, I was using a website plugin to deliver lessons and workouts. However, my clients disliked the platform and requested something simpler. I knew that an app was the way to go. As I gained more online coaching clients, I wanted a simple, yet effective way to deliver workouts when they couldn’t workout with me live. After reading reviews and checking out features for a variety of platforms, I chose TrueCoach because it allowed me to embed my own YouTube exercise demos, so that my clients could feel like I was by their side even when they were working out alone! So I shifted my focus to building a library of exercise demonstration videos I could pull from.
Although I knew it would take some effort, I soon recognized that there were 3 key pieces I needed to consider when creating demos: exercise choice, filming location, and style of video.
How I Choose Exercises to Demo
In my online programs, I focus mainly on resistance training for strength gain, performance, and weight loss. Certain days have elements of mobility oriented core and cardio training while the bulk of training days are split between lower, upper, and full body resistance work. Each month, I:
- Assign a new program that hits all major muscle groups.
- Check to see which exercises already have demos.
- Make a list of exercises without demos
- Schedule a day to film and upload missing demos
I’ve been actively filming workout demos for about a year and a half!
How I Choose Exercise Demo Filming Locations
I travel every few months. My clients have said that they really enjoy seeing different backgrounds for my videos, so I make it a point to film a few videos wherever I go! When I’m not traveling, I film at home in my living room, kitchen, or bedroom, at a local park (if the weather is nice), or at the yoga studio!
How I Choose the Style of Demonstration Video
There are 3 main styles of videos I have created for my YouTube exercise demos:
- Detailed cueing with voiceover
- On-camera cueing
- No cueing
Each style has a purpose.
Detailed Description with Voiceover for YouTube
I used this style for my first free online challenge “The One Exercise a Day Challenge” which launched in the summer of 2020 (more information here) when the gyms shut down and everyone suddenly found themselves at home. Since this program was designed to cater to total beginners or those who had stopped working out completely and needed something to get them back in the game, I focused on creating 90 days worth of strength and cardio moves using bodyweight only. The Pike Jump was featured toward the end of the program.
As you can see, this video style also includes music to help keep community members excited and engaged. However, I have since shifted away from using music, because it takes much more time to edit and strays from the main purpose. That is to show clients how to execute the exercise safely and effectively.
YouTube Exercise Demos without cues
I use exercise demos without cues for exercises that are fairly simple to complete. They are also my go-to when I am at an ideal location without any audio equipment or when I plan to post the videos on Instagram instead of YouTube.
On-Camera Cueing
This is the exercise demo option I most commonly use. I find that it not only comes more naturally to me, but it also reminds me to show options for modifications and progressions.
Other Types of Workout Videos
In addition to the exercise demos, I occasionally share follow along workouts:
Follow Along Core & Cardio
These serve as a warmups for my online clients AND are a great way for anyone who is subscribed to my channel to get some simple, quick movement in.
Follow Along Yoga Practices
I get a lot of requests for yoga videos from friends and clients alike. Since they are busy professionals, I keep the practices simple and under 30 minutes. You know what they say… The best practice is the one you complete.
What’s Next?
There are an unlimited amount of exercises out there. I currently have over 200 videos in my YouTube exercise demo library and believe me… I’ve barely scratched the surface. In addition to adding new exercises to the channel each month, expect to see more roundup videos (i.e. 4 Awesome Exercises to Work Your Arms) and exercise highlights that take a deep dive into some of my favorite strength and cardio moves!
And in case you didn’t know… I’m a writer in my soul, so keep an eye on transformwithnadia.com, where I plan to share more fitness, nutrition, and wellness content to help you live a happier, healthier life 😉