National Novel Writing Month Is Here!!! (Printable Writing Calendar Inside)

Each year when November rolls around, writers everywhere begin to get silly and giggly and excited over the prospect of writing 50,000 words of nonsense. What am I referring to? National Novel Writing Month, of course! According to the NanoWriMo website, I’ve been participating for 13 years! Wow. Time flies! But I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I’ve never reached the goal word count.

As a short-form writer (blogs, social media, short videos), my expertise is in churning out authoritative and informative content, quickly and efficiently. But when it comes to more prolific writing, all sorts of things happen:

  • I procrastinate.
  • The inner critic comes out and I start second guessing every word I write.
  • All of a sudden everything else on my to-do list seems to be more important than writing my novel…

And yet, I haven’t given up. It takes practice to develop discipline. This year, I’m committed to working harder than ever to hit 50,000. I even created a writing schedule template to help me find the holes in my schedule.

If you’re a nano writer like me, feel free to download it to use during the month, so you can reach the goal too! Good luck!



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