Managing Social Media at RISE Fitness Business Conference

The plan was simple: Give followers a glimpse of what it would be like to attend the conference, so they think they’re missing out.

In the Fall 2017, I was planning to attending what was formerly known as the NorCal Fitness Summit (NCSF), now the RISE Fitness Business Summit hosted by Khaled ElMasri. As someone who was new to the business side of the fitness industry, I was excited to soak up as much knowledge as possible, so I could get a foothold of my own as a personal trainer and instructor. As a content creator, I was also curious to see what the organizer had planner for the social media side of the event. But when I went on the event’s social pages, I couldn’t find much at all. I saw this as an opportunity to help the conference gain exposure and to do something I’d never done before: Build a team of volunteers to crush social media.

I posted 3x in the NCSF private Facebook group and on my personal Facebook page to recruit coaches who were planning to attend the conference. Seven individuals responded. We met over Google Hangouts to discuss the details and best practices. The plan was simple: give followers a glimpse of what it would be like to attend the conference, so they think they’re missing out. To that attend, I drew up a guide to posting on various social channels and shared it with the volunteers. It looked something like this:


To increase engagement with personal trainers and fitness instructors around the U.S. and the world during the Nor Cal Fitness Summit by providing live coverage of the event through the lens of the business AND attendees.

Summary of Volunteers Responsibilities:

  1. Post highlights from the event
  2. Share the best quotes from speakers
  3. Respond to the mentions
  4. Snap pictures/videos and share them during breaks
  5. Tag attendees, vendors, & speakers in all posts
  6. Use event hashtags: #NCFS #norcalfitnesssummit

Channels & Goals


– Go LIVE on the Fanpage: Event Intro, Keynote, Speaker Synopsis, Experiences & snapshot bios of attendees between speaking events. Check twitter & repost quotes.

– Community Group: short videos, pics w/lecture quotes, photo wall with attendees


– Focus on quotes, tag speakers, vendors & attendees, take photos.


– Event Intro, Keynote, Speaker Synopsis, experiences & snapshot bios of attendees between lectures & events.


– Stories: Event Intro, LIVE Keynote, Speaker/Lecture Summaries, Experiences & snapshot bios of attendees between speaking events.

– Timeline: photo wall, vendor photos, 60s speaker bios, 60s attendee experiences & highlights, quotes.


– Keynote in 10 second snippets, sneak peaks of lectures, lecturer snaps, attendees having fun, photo wall, vendor photos


– Post to your personal profiles, Snapshot bios of attendees in your perspective, lecture summaries & quotes, best photos at the end of the day


– LIVE Coverage of Keynotes, Speaker Synopsis, Experiences & snapshot bios of attendees between speaking events. End of the day highlights.