Creating Transform with Nadia
For years, I had a vision to build an online fitness and wellness platform where I could share my knowledge and expertise with those who needed it. I wanted to create a space where anyone could learn to build healthy exercise, nutrition, and self care habits into their lifestyles. I had no idea that this would catapult me into a world of fitness content design where I would push out more fitness content than I ever thought possible!
Launching Before I Was Ready
My goal was to launch my digital studio by the age of 40. That gave me until 2024. But in March of 2020, as the world was struck with the COVID-19 pandemic, the shelter in place order shut down all gyms. I found myself with no job and a strong urge to provide value while so many people were experiencing fear and uncertainty. So I made the quick decision to move up my timeline. I launched in April 2020.
Shifting My Focus to Fitness Content Design
Although I now mainly focus on fitness content design work, nutrition and fitness content creation and copywriting for other fitness, health, and wellness companies, with Transform with Nadia I successfully launched a number of online coaching programs, created a collection of evergreen lead magnets, and shared industry relevant blogs and social media posts with THOUSANDS of readers and followers. It also provided me with fertile ground to build my skills in copywriting for health and wellness industry businesses.
The One Exercise A Day Challenge
The One Exercise a Day challenge was designed to help individuals create a habit of working out by completing just 1 exercise each day for a total of 100 days. This project launched in May 2020, as gym-goers were seeking at-home alternatives to their normal fitness routines.
100+ Training Videos
I filmed a collection of exercise demonstrations, bodyweight only. It was my first foray into voiceover for fitness. These videos are currently housed on my YouTube Channel.
Daily Challenge Emails
I schedule a sequence of over 100 emails to be delivered out each morning with the exercise of the day and a link to the new training video on the Transform with Nadia membership site.
Organic + Paid Marketing
I gave myself 7 days to market the challenge – 6 days of organic posts on Facebook and Instagram & 1 day paid on Facebook. I recruited 40 challengers!
Weekly Facebook Lives
Every Monday, I went live in the private Facebook group with a new topic in the area of fitness, nutrition, or wellness. I also checked in with challengers to celebrate their wins and share new promotions.
Daily FB Group Posts
I use Social Pilot to schedule my private Facebook Group posts. Most people are on Facebook at least once per day. I wanted to make it as super easy for challengers to remember to do their exercise for the day.
Membership Site Creation
I built the membership site using the course site plugin Access Ally. I’ve since gained experience using a number of course platforms, including Teachable, LearnWorlds, and more.
YouTube Channel
I took my role seriously as a fitness content creator, especially amidst shelter in place. I wanted a way to continue delivering free content to individuals have either been laid off or who find themselves at home rather than in the gym. The channel launched in July of 2020. Since then I’ve uploaded nearly 500 videos. Click here to head to Transform with Nadia on YouTube.
Most Viewed Video (11,000+)
It is RARE that the content I have the most fun creating is the most viewed. My “Dougie” dance tutorial was the exception. Click here to view it.
Shorts Over Long-Form
Short-form video has taken over all social platforms, even YouTube. They get more views in the short term than long videos. Click here to view my shorts on YouTube.
Workouts & Yoga Practices
Despite the wild popularity of shorts, there will always be a demand for full-length exercise videos that you can share for free on YouTube or embed on your course site.