Category: Writing

  • 3 Ways to Come Up with Consistent Content

    3 Ways to Come Up with Consistent Content

    The blogging landscape has changed so much over the years! It’s now an essential part of attracting and retaining clients, which means that you are now tasked with keeping your blog updated more regularly. So how do you come up with all of this content? Check out my 3 top ways to come up with…

  • National Novel Writing Month Is Here!!! (Printable Writing Calendar Inside)

    Each year when November rolls around, writers everywhere begin to get silly and giggly and excited over the prospect of writing 50,000 words of nonsense. What am I referring to? National Novel Writing Month, of course! According to the NanoWriMo website, I’ve been participating for 13 years! Wow. Time flies! But I’m a little embarrassed…

  • Create a Daily Writing Practice

    Create a Daily Writing Practice

      You’ve decided that you want to become a professional writer. Now what? It’s so simple even the smartest folks overlook this crucial first step: write every day. Whether you write fantasy or nonfiction, there’s nothing magical about making it in the writing industry. There’s only the hard work of putting pen to page (fingers…